Carole Sund Center celebrates its anniversary with a weekend open house


The Carole Sund Center has supported the community for 11 years, providing programs for those with intellectual disabilities. The center run by Butler Valley is an adult care facility with a farm.

“I’ve been here for 22 years and it feels really great to have so many people care about the program and want to work here and, just want to help us. You know, it’s a fun, fun place to work,” Butler Valley Inc. executive director Suzette Ott said. “It is a small working farm where our participants come in for the day and they work in the garden and work with the animals and, a variety of other, other things,” Ott said.

Plants of all varieties and kinds from flowers to fresh ingredients, and more are for sale during the growing season.

“We’ve got lots of house plants. Garden plants, flowers, succulents, lots of different stuff available. It’s a good year for plants. It was a hard start for this year with the season being so strange early off, but we’re catching up.”

Members of the center help to raise the plants for sale.

“We step up plants, moving them from small pots to bigger pots, and then ultimately we would move them from the bigger pots to those, greenhouses there. And we also harvest them and get them ready to sell,” program member Tucker said.

They also sell the chickens and goats with proceeds returning to the farm to continue their programs.

“We did get some new goats, so we’ve already had two mamas that have already had babies. So we’ve had one batch of goats already sold, and we’re just waiting for somebody else to buy the other batch,” program member Desi said.

Residents across Humboldt are invited to see for themselves during the open house on June 15th from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

“They’ll be, people that will walk you around and tour, or you can just look around yourself. We’ll have a silent auction during this open house,” Ott said. “We have a lot of the community members donated a variety of things. We have some super stuff to to give, give out to the silent auction winners. It’s been really a wonderful thing.”

The Carole Sund Center can be found at 4635 Broadway in Eureka.