RCEA encourages customers to take advantage of energy storage rebates


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM) — Redwood Coast Energy Authority is encouraging customers to take advantage of rebates for installing energy storage technology at homes, businesses, and public facilities.  

As of September 1st, over $26 million of incentives have been reserved in Humboldt County. 

They are only available for a limited time, so customers are encouraged to reach out to an approved developer to reserve any potential incentives and rebates before they’re gone.  

Residential customers that are either eligible for medical baseline, have a serious illness that is life-threatening if disconnected from electricity, rely on an electric well pump, or live in income-qualified housing may also be eligible for a no or low cost energy storage system thanks to $1 billion in funding for the self-generation incentive program.  

To check if you qualify, begin the application process, or for more information you can visit www.redwoodenergy.org