Is it a good idea to start a business during the pandemic? A baker in Eureka thinks so

EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM)- The Coronavirus pandemic has forced hundreds of thousands of small businesses to close, but one baker in Eureka is bucking that trend.
Jose Chavez, a Fortuna resident, opened My Little Oaxaca Bakery and Cafe in Eureka on Monday.
He says that he had been trying to open his own bakery for a while but things didn’t seem to fall into place.
“In fact, I had planned to open it for about a year and a half but due to personal problems it could not be done,” said Chavez.
About two months ago, he got word of a place that was available in Eureka that was a perfect spot for his bakery.
“Well, I agreed to be honest because it is a place that is beautiful and the rent isn’t that bad,” said Chavez.
Is it a good idea to start a new business during a pandemic? Chavez says it didn’t seem to be a problem for him.
“I was encouraged because I had the support of certain people who are very important to me and we are in a very difficult time to be honest,” said Chavez. “But then, I think that you have to take a little bit of a risk for everything and I did.”

Chavez says that he has had a lot of support from not only his family and friends but also the community and is grateful to have the chance to sweeten people’s lives during this pandemic.