City wants public input through traffic safety survey, funded through grant


FORTUNA, Calif. (KIEM)-The City of Fortuna is asking the public with comments or concerns about traffic safety, to fill out a survey to help develop a local road safety plan.

An interactive project map identifies areas the city could improve when it comes to road safety for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

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The link to the project survey will allow for comments and concerns to be left by community members.

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“We can use those to kind of create some safety related transportation projects in the city moving forward. The city received a grant from Caltrans, said Fortuna’s City Engineer, “So, what we’re asking for right now is for the public and for the citizens of the City of Fortuna to go to our website and there you’ll see a link to traffic safety interactive map, loved to hear your feedback.”

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Byrd urges the public to continue to check back for newly posted documents and information throughout the process, that link can be found by clicking here.

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