Migrations Walking Together is an event Sponsored by Arcata Playhouse


ARCATA, Calif.(KIEM)- Migrations walking together had an early start Saturday morning. On the morning of the event, over 100 had registered for the event. 

“This is our first year, and we are hoping to make it an annual event if it all goes well and if people enjoy it. I think it’s a great way to bring the community together and to bring awareness also on the fact that if you are not indigenes, you are a migrant,” Laura Munoz, Event Coordinator at the Arcata Playhouse.

The event had a great start at the Jardin Santuario, where Centro del Pueblo shared their garden with the walkers, handed out tamales, and performed a traditional Oaxaca dance.

They then continued to Stewart park, where Hapi performed and taught everyone a few dances.

The procession then continues to Shay park, Westwood Manor, Chevret- Vaissade Park, Potawot Village, and the final destination Carlson Park.

Everyone that participated in the walk was required to be wearing a mask and be vaccinated. At Carlson Park, they opened it up for everybody, and they offered a vaccination clinic.

“They were asking for your vaccine card at the door, right up there, and everybody is wearing a mask and it outdoors, so it feels super safe,” Jennifer Garcia, Community Member in Arcata.  

While at Carlson park, the Latin Peppers performed, along with Paso Paso sharing artwork, and True North was invited to be a part of it.

“What the organization does is they do vaccine outreach, immigration outreach, we come and set up vaccine fairs, and the Arcata playhouse invited us to come and do this along with them,” Rosario Hernandez, part of the Outreach Team at True North. 

The migration walk was a success for the Arcata Playhouse, and they hope to be able to do it again the following year.