Fredrick and Charles Beauty College offered free haircuts for kids


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM)- With the start of a new school year and kids allowed back into the classrooms, parents buy new school supplies and take their kids to get haircuts.

Fredrick and Charles Beauty College, along with others in the community, made it easier on parents today.

Fredrick and Charles Beauty College, located on 831 F street in Eureka, offered free haircuts for kids. Students with an instructor’s supervision perform the services hoping to help out kids and students at the beauty college all at the same time.

“It’s all about bridging the gap between the Beauty College here and our community. We have many students who graduate and don’t feel like they are prepared to take on the different hair textures in the community. So I figured the children are the future, so why not have them come in and give the students some practice,” Shay Sanders, O0wner at Sanders Grooming. 

The Redwood Community Services heard about the event and wanted to step in and help out as well.

“We just know how important it is for kids to have school supplies and be ready for school, and sometimes a lot of kids, unfortunately, can’t afford that,” Michael Ritter, Mental health rehabilitation Specialist at Redwood Community. Service.

Redwood community services were handing out backpacks and school supplies to kids that came in to get haircuts. Fredrick and Charles Beauty College also opened up its invitation to food trucks to come out and sell on their parking lot.

Charles and Fredrick Beauty College want to make the event an annual one, hoping to help families in the community that may not have the luxury to have their kids get haircuts.

“Ultimately, we just wanted to do outreach to the community we felt like with everything that had happened with the pandemic and school-age kids getting back to school, and we wanted to give back,” Jeanie Scott, Owner at Fredrick and Charles Beauty College. 

Fredrick and Charles Beauty College are excited to host the event again in the future.