Fortuna Adopts Budget For 2017-18


fortuna-consider-new-feesFORTUNA – The city of Fortuna has an adopted budget for the 2017-18 fiscal year and it is an overall balanced budget.

Officials were quick to credit Measure E for helping to close the general fund deficit. Measure E, was a sales tax voters approved last November that goes towards city police, roads and parks. It funded the hiring of two police officers, community services officers and a parks and recreation director.

Three budget study workshops were held since mid-July which helped make it a smooth process. The general fund budget totaled nearly 5.6 million dollars.

Also at the meeting, 14-year old Railey Kerrigan was singled out for her 600-dollar donation in gift cards from local restaurants so Fortuna Police could enjoy a free lunch.

Police Chief Bill Dobberstein read a proclamation thanking Railey for her generosity. He pointed out the teen also brought a dog bone for K-9 Officer Nordy so he wouldn’t be left out.

The next city council meeting is scheduled for September 5 at 6 pm at the city hall council chamber.