Thousands of residents in fire-impacted areas remain without gas, electric


MENDOCINO, SONOMA, NAPA – Restoration efforts are in full force to help residents near wildfire-zones regain access to gas and electricity.

In total, PG&E says more than 359,000 customers lost electric service and more than 42,000 lost gas in fire-impacted areas.

Over 4,300 PG&E employees and mutual aid responders have been at work to repair these systems since fires in Napa, Sonoma and Mendocino counties were sparked last week.

PG&E says 97% of these residents should now have their electric service back on.

However, that leaves at least 10,000 without power, and still about 11,000 without gas.

Restoring gas requires having each individual structure’s pilot light relit – and PG&E warns you should not try to light it yourself and say they will relight each individually.

If you have questions, you can call PG&E at 1-800-743-5000.