Locals to take part in The Great California ShakeOut


EUREKA – Get ready to drop, cover and hold on – Thursday is the state-wide earthquake drill known as The Great California ShakeOut.

The ShakeOut will take place Thursday, 10/19, at 10:19am.

There won’t be a signal or siren but you can participate by following these steps:

First – drop where you are, onto hands and knees to protect yourself from being knocked down, and if you can, crawl to take shelter under a table or desk.

Next – cover, and make sure your head and neck are covered with at least one arm and hand, while staying bent over to protect vital organs.

Finally, hold on – if you’re under some kind of shelter, hold on to it with one hand.

If you don’t have a shelter, take hold of your head and neck with both arms.

In cases of real earthquakes, if it lasts over twenty seconds and you are in a tsunami zone you should then start moving to higher ground.

A variety of local agencies and schools plan on taking part in the drill – to learn more about the event and find more earthquake safety tips, you can visit www.shakeout.org/california