Eureka council to hear update on Squires bankruptcy as public works set to close another property


EUREKA – The City of Eureka will learn about ongoing efforts to recover hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes and fines from Floyd and Betty Squires.
This comes at the same time the Department of Public Works is set to board up another of their properties.
Citing an imminent threat to public safety, the city secured a warrant to close this residential property at 833 H Street.
Monday tenants were moving out of apartments the city says are no longer safe to live in. Eureka will cover relocation expenses then try to recoup that money from the owners.
Exactly what that will cost won’t be determined until the work begins.
A similar project on 3rd Street cost the city $31,000 in contractor and relocation expenses.
Council will meet with the city attorney Tuesday in closed session to discuss the Squires bankruptcy and how it will impact Eureka’s legal standing to recover those funds.
City Manager Greg Sparks said, “The city has a very vital interest in what goes on with these 26 properties and how they are a part of any bankruptcy by Mr. Squires. So the city attorney will be updating council on that. And we continue to have ongoing code violation issues with Squires’ properties that the city continues to address.”