A Story of Survival: Four Kittens Thrown from Pick-up Truck


Fortuna, Ca., (KIEM)- It’s a heartbreaking story with a happy ending.

“Some friends of mine were driving in Fortuna, came off the freeway coming on to Main Street and saw a gray pickup throw a plastic bag out the window. Thank god they called and stopped, there was four baby kittens in there.” Shannon Miranda explains. Miranda is the founder and president of Miranda’s Rescue in Fortuna.

The kittens were barely three weeks old. Their eyes just beginning to open. Miraculously they suffered no injuries, but didn’t immediately take to bottle feeding. Luckily, Miranda knew someone with a kitty who just had a litter of her own. Now, that cat nursing the furry family back to health.

“There’s so many organizations that can help out if they call us and we can’t help out. There’s Humboldt Spay/Neuter, there’s Companion Animal, there’s Sequoia Humane. There are so many of those organizations who will hep and many of those organizations deal with kittens, or have resources where they can send someone to help. It really makes me wonder what kind of an individual would put a life in a bag and throw it out a window. ” He says.

“It really makes me wonder what kind of an individual would put a life in a bag and throw it out a window.”

The best way to help shelters in your community is to spay and neuter your own pets. As for the four lucky kittens? They’re safe, and already have prospective homes. Since it’s spring time, kittens are beginning to crowd local shelters, if you’re looking to add a new member to your family.