From Page to Screen: Amy Stewart Explores the Future and Past of “Girl Waits With a Gun”


Eureka, Ca., (KIEM)- Almost as soon as you cross the threshold at Eureka Books in Old Town, you’re sure to see a copy of “Girl Waits With a Gun.” It could be because the book’s author owns the store, and has been rooted in the community for decades. Regardless of that affiliation, the title has earned its place at the front of the store.

Amazon has officially obtained the rights to move the novel’s star character, Costance Kopp from page to screen. People Magazine called “Girl Waits With a Gun” “Rollicking.” Aside from critical acclaim, the novel launches the “Kopp Sisters” series. Almost immediately after its publication the author was contacted by interested producers, ready to see the story come to life.

Listen to the complete audio interview with Amy Stewart, author of “Girl Waits With a Gun,” “The Drunken Botanist,” “Wicked Plants” and more:



The ever growing book series traces the path of a very real turn of the century woman. Constance Kopp was among the first females in law enforcement. She was a deputy sheriff in real life, with pay equal to her male counterparts. The books, which are fiction, are written in her voice. Stewart first “met” Kopp by accident, reading a story in which she was referenced on a newspaper clipping that was more than 100 years old.

The real Constance Kopp, inspiration for “Girl Waits with a Gun” and the “Kopp Sisters” novels. Image provided by Amy Stewart


She hopes the books will entertain, telling crime stories with a light hand. Stewart says she hopes the empowering character can also help readers understand what it takes to be an independent woman at the start of the 21st Century.