Grape Fire Incident Update


Shasta-Trinity National Forest (KIEM)- “The Grape Incident is a good reminder of how well things can burn.” CalFire Battalion Chief Laura Coleman Tells Redwood News. Fire season, or as CalFire calls is “Fire Preparedness” begins officially tomorrow. Dates did not stop the Grape Fire in the Shasta-Trinity and Six Rivers National Forest from starting and spreading across wild land. A reminder that diligence is key regardless of the officially sanctioned ‘season.’

The Grape Fire is now more than 244 acres in size. It is located approximately 10 miles northwest of Hyampom, near Grapevine creek. Luckily, no structure are currently threatened. Health advisories are not yet in place as a result of smoke either.

Incident Map, Courtesy Inciweb

Still the forest is subject to closure as fire crews battle conditions to reach total containment. At last check, the flames were 40% contained. 176 firefighters remain on the front lines. To view closure order click here.

The official cause of the fire has not been released.