Centro Del Pueblo leads 30k walk in support of Measure K


Humboldt County, Ca., (KIEM) Humboldt County Latino community woke up at the crack of dawn to walk in the name of faith.

Centro Del Pueblo and other supporters lead a 30k walk Sunday morning from Fortuna to Eureka in support of Measure K, a measure that if voted yes, many supporters feel will keep families together.

Centro Del Pueblo decided to take on the journey to promote the ordinance but also to celebrate a Día de Los Muertos, a Day of the Dead, a Mexican tradition that honors friends and family members who have passed on.

One member from Centro Del Pueblo expressed that Measure K is so essential that she would walk beyond 30 mile if that meant, she can save a family.

“I’m so proud to be a part of this, I’m so proud of her walking and being alive and to spread the message that we are here and we want a sanctuary for Humboldt County and that we’re not going anywhere,” said Paola Gonzalez, Member of Centro Del Pueblo. “Measure K will give a little bit more of protection in case parents get deported if they get deported they have the right to decide the destiny of their children for me that’s really important.”

Centro Del Pueblo and Measure K supporters started the walk in Fortuna, it is said that the city has the largest immigrant population. Measure K will be on the November 6th ballot.