National Weather Service Promotes Safety Sports Through its Safe Place Selfie Campaign

Eureka, Ca. (KIEM) – The National Weather Service is promoting safety tips through its Safe Place Safety Campaign. Members of the national weather service took selfies at their designated safe spots, such as hiding under a desk during an earthquake or moving to their safe place during a fire evacuation, and used a hashtag to spread the word. The campaign is to encourage everyone to know where their safe places are during a natural disaster. Safe place selfie actually started in the mid-west to promote tornado readiness. If you want to get involved, remember to take your selfie and share it on your social media platforms like Instagram. You could also look up ‘how to repost on instagram‘ so you can also share other followers selfies!

The NWS advises everyone to know their evacuation sites and to always have a go-bag in case of emergencies.

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