Harold Del Ponte Memorial Highway dedicated in Del Norte County


DEL NORTE COUNTY, Ca. (KIEM) – The Harold Del Ponte Memorial Highway sign was unveiled Thursday in Del Norte County. Family, friends and Senator Mike McGuire came to the ceremony to honor Del Ponte.

He was beloved by Del Norte County residents. He was someone who went above and beyond the call of duty for his county. Now, his family and Senator McGuire are making sure his legacy and work is never forgotten.

Del Ponte passed away at age 96 in 2013. A portion of Highway 101 in Del Norte in named in his honor after over 50 years of public service. The section of roadway begins at the south Del Norte county line and continues for two miles.

When Redwood News spoke with Del Ponte’s daughter Diane, she told us she wanted to do the interview before the ceremony. It was because of how emotional she’d get while her father was being honored. She was touched by what everyone said about her father and the fact that there is a highway memorial sign in his honor.