North Coast Residents Feeling the Pain at the Pump as Gas Prices Continue to Climb


EUREKA (KIEM) – Motorists may have noticed that within the last few weeks, they’ve been paying more at the pump and these soaring prices are putting a huge dent in their wallets.

“It was almost at four dollars a gallon, almost a week ago, and I was very shocked that it was that high,” said Bayside resident Merilyn Pawlyk.

Rising gas prices. That’s what many North Coast residents are feeling.

“I was on a trip last week, covering some miles,” said Arcata resident Melissa Martel, “I got gas in Cloverdale. I get diesel, I drive a diesel car and it was over four dollars a gallon.”

According to Gas Buddy, the average gas price in California is about $4.08, while the lowest price is at $3.35.

Merilyn Pawlyk has family in South Carolina; she says what they pay for is much cheaper than here in the Golden State.

“My kids live in South Carolina and gas is almost two dollars a gallon there,” said Pawlyk.

Redwood News reached out to Humboldt County Supervisor Steve Madrone about the surge in gas prices.

In a statement, Supervisor Madrone says “Gas price increases are not going away. Land use planning that concentrates development around services and the development of pedestrian friendly environments with high density housing close to amenities is one way to reduce auto trips and fuel use.”

But one resident’s fix to the gas problem is by no longer using fossil fueled cars.

“My solution is I have an all-electric Fiat that I simply plug in, and I don’t have to buy gas right now and love it,” said Eureka resident Ann Compton.

Residents say, these surge in gas prices is taking a toll on many people.

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