Sixth Graders Take a Trip to Grizzly Creek State Park to Learn about the Redwoods


CARLOTTA (KIEM) – On the North Coast, we’re surrounded by the tall and magnificent redwood trees. The best part, they’re in our own backyard, and kids from Toddy Thomas Elementary School, got to know the hundreds year old trees.

The redwood trees stand tall like giants.

“Nature has so many beautiful things you can look at,” said Toddy Thomas sixth grader Oriana Payne.

They’re nature’s very own skyscrapers.

“The wow factor is number one,” Save the Redwoods League Education Coordinator said Michael Kauffmann. “We need everyone to understand that people come from all over the world to enjoy the redwood forest, so why not learn more about them?”

Kids from Toddy Thomas Elementary School got to know the trees that are in their own backyard by visiting Grizzly Creek State Park.

“We’re learning about different trees and different leaves and stuff,” said sixth grader Sofia Ramirez.

“You can see nature that you can’t see in the classroom if you’re just inside, if you go outside you can see different stuff.”

They went on hikes, learned about nature, and tried to guess how tall the trees are.

“Coming out into a field trip setting allows you to apply your learning and see it for yourself,” said Humboldt County Superintendent Chris Hartley.

They went from learning in a classroom, to taking an adventure through the outdoors. For students, it was an eye-opening experience. Spending less time indoors and more outside.

“I’m honestly in inside playing video games,” said Marquis Ludd, a sixth grader. “Now I want to go outside and adventure a little more.”

The field trip also makes them aware of the world around them.

“There’s so many things we can learn out here, especially with what’s going on in the world right now, it’s our generation to make an impact and this shows a lot about it,” said sixth grader Lauren Terrell.

This is a new program that just started this year.

Today’s field trip was the eighth and final trip for the school year. During this time, this program has helped over 600 kids.