Sporting Youth: Northern United Humboldt Charter School Jog-A-Thon


REDWOOD FIELDS, CA (KIEM) – For one local Charter School, to help with fundraising, students took to the Redwood Fields in Cutten where they ran laps and were rewarded for their hard work.

Students from Northern United Humboldt Charter School jogged in a circle at the Redwood Fields. It’s to raise money for needed supplies and equipment. One of the teachers participated and challenged the students.

“I feel like if I challenge them to do more than me, then they’re more motivated. And I noticed out there, a lot of them just, every time they saw me, they’re like I’m doing more than you. I’m running faster than you. So, I think it really worked,” said Tomire Lyons-Tinsley, a Teacher at Northern United Humboldt Charter School.

Students ask community members to pledge a dollar amount for every lap they complete. They use that motivation to run and play instead of having to sit in class.

“It’s kind of annoying, tiring, and boring. This is better than doing those things,” said Anneliese Fugate, 5th grader at Northern United Humboldt Charter School.

Another student looks forward to fueling up on water during his run.

Every time I get something to drink, I would drink all of it and I would start running really fast,” said Hezekiah Coleman, Kindergarten Student at Northern United Humboldt Charter School.

The end of the year Jog-A-Thon and field day is a popular event that students look forward to.

There’s the whole learning aspect of ya know, school. And then there’s the fun stuff. And that’s when this comes around, which is one my favorite end of the year events. Mainly, because there is running in it,” said Kaleb Redman, 8th grader at Northern United Humboldt Charter School.

After the students were done running in a circle, they got to go and play field games with their peers. Some of them include a race relay and musical pads. The yearly event started five years ago.

“Fun times afterward, like sack racing. So we get in like potato sacks and jump and race. And do all that,” said Redman.

If you have a Sporting Youth or Sporting Seniors idea, email us at Sports@RedwoodNews.TV.