21 Cadets Graduate from 123rd Law Enforcement Academy at CR


COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS, CA. (KIEM) – 21 cadets graduated from the 123rd Law Enforcement Academy at College of the Redwoods. We were at the ceremony to witness the moment these future officers have all been waiting for.

21 cadets. All going into Law Enforcement for different reasons. Some, do it to make their family proud.

“When I do have kids I want them to be proud that I did something that’s bigger than myself. And just know, that I went out there and did the best I can. Served the community, and just be an example,” said Jamal Jones, a graduate of CR Academy.

Jamal Jones played football at Humboldt State University and also coached the sport at Arcata High School. Now, he’s a member of the Arcata Police Department and starts this Sunday.

“It was a dream come true to kind of stay in that community that I’m really familiar with. So I’m excited about the opportunity that Chief Ahearn [and] all of our Sergeants gave me to come in and join that department,” said Jones.

Another cadet who will be patrolling the streets is Lucas Brittain. He will be working for the Sheriff’s Office down in Garberville. His desire to become a police officer was a personal choice.

“I want to make a positive imagine on police. I want to have a good relationship with the community and put out that positive image,” said Lucas Brittian, a graduate of CR Academy.

After six months of basic training, Brittain is ready to hit the ground running.

“I’ll be excited. I’ll probably also be a little nervous. But I think that’s natural. So I think it’s going to be a good time,” said Brittain.

The 124th CR Basic Law Enforcement Academy starts on Monday, July 8th. If you’re interested in going to a future academy head over to Redwoods.edu.