PG&E informs Humboldt, Trinity, Siskiyou Residents of Community Wildfire Safety Program at Open House


Fortuna, Ca., (KIEM) Through the months of June through September wildfires can thrive that’s why Monday night PG&E officials welcomed residents from Humboldt, Trinity, and Siskiyou counties to a one-on-one open house in Fortuna.

With temperatures warming the utility company wanted to address the threat of wildfires as part of its Community Wildfire Safety Program.

One main component? The company’s Public Safety Power Shutoff Program.

PG&E officials said if extreme fire danger conditions threaten a portion of the electric system serving your community. Depending on where you are within the 3 counties your power may be shut down.

“Tier-2 and Tier-3 areas are deemed by the state, as high fire threat areas,” said PG&E Spokesperson, Deanna Contreras. “And if you are fed by one of these lines, if you get power from one of these lines that go through a high fire area. Your power can be shut off too. Even though you’re not in a high fire threat area.”

Contreras said the most important things are having a wildfire safety plan and to make sure your contact information is updated to receive alerts.