Eureka Launches Zero Waste Action Plan, Asks for Community Input


Eureka, Ca (KIEM) — Eureka is launching a new, city-wide zero waste action plan. It’s still in the early stages, but the city is asking for community input. It’s being developed by the community services department and is all about working towards using all resources and sending nothing to the landfills. It will focus on things such as plastic and food waste.

According to the community services coordinator, the beauty that Humboldt County offers is just another reminder of why we need to take care of the environment.

The city recently launched a video campaign showcasing the different ways you can be waste free. These can be simple changes such as using reusable bags at the grocery store. They also held a meeting last week and more than 60 community members came out to suggest ways residents and businesses can reduce waste.

If you have ideas on how the city can be zero waste, an online survey will be available in the next few weeks and there will be another community meeting in September. For more information, visit