Random Act Of Kindness Gives Back To Homeless Man


Eureka, Ca. (KIEM)– Through the power of kindness and compassion, a whole new, uplifting story has come from a purse theft.

76-year-old Glenda Hesseltine’s purse was snatched from her vehicle in the Winco parking lot and because of the help of a Good Samaritan, she now has her most precious belongings back. But, the story doesn’t end there.

Eddie is facing his own struggles, but jumped into action to help the woman in need. He chased after the suspect, retrieved her purse, and went back later that day to locate her wallet. He is currently in a rough patch and now Glenda is hoping this act of kindness will reciprocate the favor.

Eddie has taught that even at your lowest of lows, there is never an excuse not to lend a helping hand to someone who needs it.

Glenda is reaching out for the communities help in finding Eddie a safe place to stay, help with his truck, and job, to pay thanks to an unlikely hero.