Humboldt County Voters Head to the Polls for Super Tuesday


Humboldt County, Ca. (KIEM) — Election Day is finally here and voters across the country and here in Humboldt County headed to the polls bright and early Tuesday morning when they opened at 7 am.

Roughly 80,000 people are registered to vote in the county, and about 58,000 mail-in ballots were sent out. As of Monday night, the Humboldt County Office of Elections has received just over 19,000 ballots.

One poll worker at the Eureka Veteran’s Memorial Building saw a slow start to the day, but the pace quickly picked up keeping volunteers busy. Voters are hoping to have their voices heard in both national and local races.

So what’s on this year’s ballot? Board of supervisor seats in districts 1 and 2, and 6 ballot measures on school improvements and fire agency resources.

Some voters faced issues when trying to cast their ballot, like Red Houck. His wife and son-in-law, lifelong democrats, received the wrong ballots in the mail forcing them to go to the elections office to sort things out.

At the end of the day, it’s all about exercising your right to vote and having your vote count. To make sure your vote counts, cast your ballot Tuesday. Polls close at 8 pm.