Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office Increases Patrols, Makes Changes at Jail during Shelter in Place


Humboldt County, Ca. (KIEM) – Despite people being asked to stay home, the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office is increasing patrols.

The shelter in place mandate is still in effect, and the HCSO is doing their part to limit face-to-face contact with the public by taking reports online and over the phone. Deputies continue to conduct in-person investigations for serious and violent incidents. HCSO has seen a decrease in calls, in part because of increased patrols, which has also improved response time.

At the Humboldt County Jail, more than 100 inmates have been released to limit the number of people inside the facility. State officials have also reduced bail for non-violent, less serious crimes.

Correctional officers and nurses screen every inmate before they even enter the building and are flagging individuals showing symptoms. If they are violent or serious, they will be quarantined for 14 days then will join general population.