Caltrans urges motorists to stay vigilant, 5 Projects Planned for Safety Corridor


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)-Anyone who’s traveled along highway 101 safety corridor has seen major construction.

According to the public information officer for Caltrans District 1, Myles Cochrane, its been a long-time coming. 

“For decades we’ve been trying to plan safety improvements for the corridor between Arcata and Eureka,” he said. “We are so thrilled to have started those by now, and what’s exciting about it is that we are going to reduce the collisions there at twice the typical state average in some locations.

 “So we are very much looking forward to bringing that rate way down.”  

In recent months Caltrans has been warning motorists about five projects planned for the safety corridor.

There are plenty of heavy machinery and Caltrans workers along that stretch of highway.

Cochrane says motorist need to take extra-safety precautions while driving through the “Cone Zone”, and be mindful of the workers near the roadway.

“Please slowdown for the cone zone and be aware that people are going to be working in there these are mother’s these are fathers, these are people coming home to their families and please slow down and take that extra time to get to work enjoy your music a little bit longer,” said Cochrane.

For more information related to those projects along the safety corridor and road constructions in and around the area click here.