
FORTUNA, Calif. (KIEM)- Four students from Fortuna got a huge thank you from a woman and her dog they saved at Rohner park.

Jean Pacheco and her dog, Jack, were taking a walk through Rohner park, as they do often but this particular walk took a very scary turn.

A large dog, without a leash, was roaming around the park and then suddenly charged at Jack and attacked. 

Lucky for Pacheco there were four teenagers that came to her rescue. The four teenagers had seen the attack and noticed that Pacheco was shook up and went to go separate the dogs. 

Once the students realized they needed more help, they contacted the police department. Once the officers arrived, both Pacheco and Jack were safe. 

Pacheco was so grateful, that she wanted to reach out and thank those students for helping her that day.

“To me, for those young folks to do something like that, there were other people in that park, but these were the ones that came to my rescue,” said Pacheco. “And if they hadn’t, I’m not sure what the outcome would have been.”

Pacheco contacted the police department to find out who had saved her and her dog, so the officers connected with Fortuna High School to see how they, along with Pacheco, could thank those four students.

Pacheco got the chance to surprise the four students with a gift of her own and the police department, along with the school, gave the students a certificate for their brave efforts.