Governor Newsom phasing out gas-powered cars


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM)- Governor Newsom announced earlier this week that California will ban all sales of new gas-powered cars starting in the year 2035.

The governor says he wants to clean up the air that has been polluted by greenhouse gases that come from gas-powered cars.

The change will certainly have an impact on the auto industry as well as small businesses, like oil changing places.

“We’ve witnessed, over time, the muffler shop has gone away, the radiator shops have gone away, because some of these things last so much longer,” said Dale Warmuth, General Manager of Leon’s Car Care Center. “We’ll probably see fewer oil change places, just like we see fewer blacksmith shops. There’ll most certainly be an evolution to the ultimate end when this is up and running.”

Just like a lot of other businesses, Warmuth says his business will have to adapt. He says the challenge is getting the proper training to work on zero emission cars.