Parent enrichment course offered at no cost, Registration due Monday Nov. 16


DEL NORTE COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)-County organizations work together to offer Del Norte Residents a free parent enrichment course.

The Parent Education Program is funded by the Office of Child Abuse Prevention and the Del Norte Department of Health And Human Services.

The fourteen week course offers a researched based and proven effective program focused on four components, according to organizers. 

Play, Praise and Reward, effective limit setting, and handling misbehavior.

Classes are scheduled every Thursday at the family connections conference room located at 510 East Washington Blvd. in Crescent City.

All classes will be in person – childcare and dinner will be provided before each class and face masks and social distancing are required.

Registration is due Monday, Nov. 16th.

To register, contact Andromeda Lopez at (707) 464-8311 ext. 222 or via email at