Eureka City Schools going back to distance learning amid Covid-19 case surge


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM) — Eureka City Schools is going back to distance learning district-wide in response to the rise of Covid-19 cases locally.

The decision was made at Thursday night’s school board meeting and follows a letter from the county Public Health Department recommending distance learning for the 2 weeks following thanksgiving.

This means all in-person activities are no longer allowed including classes, sports pre-conditioning, student clubs, material-related courses, or student interventions. The board took it one step further and extended this for 2 weeks beyond winter break as well.

“Part of the rationale of doing that now and making that determination early is to give the opportunity for our parents to plan, and understand what the plans are of the school district so they can work on making the necessary arrangements rather than waiting for a month to month as far as what we’re doing at school coming up,” according to Eureka City Schools Superintendent Fred Van Vleck.

The district will hold a special meeting the first week of January to decide the best way to move forward.