HSU grad student’s thesis affords Native youth free bikes, asking for your CRV buybacks to raise funds


HUMOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)-A Humboldt State graduate student, wants to take CRV recycles off your hands to raise money for a bike club for Native youth.

The club was created as a thesis project for her environment and community graduate program – which offers free bicycles.

Founder Amada Lang of Bike Wednesday Bike Club from the Karuk Tribe says, she always wanted to have the ability to give back to her Native American community, now she can.

“In efforts to have youth have a healthy activity to do during the COVID pandemic, with being in isolation mode, and that’s why I looked at bikes as being something that youth can get out and do right now and also be able to have a healthy activity tied into place.”

The Bike Wednesday Bike Club is a project, Youth Advocate Amada Lang is working to establish, with the help of Two Feathers.

Her hope is, to bring a long lasting bike club to the Native youth and their families, she came up with a way to raise money for the club.”

“CRV has been piling in peoples garages I’ve realized just for asking for donations, I had the idea that it’s piling up for my household,” she said.

“I’m having the fortune to be able to call and register as an organization,” Lang said. “So I can go under the Cal website and take over the one hundred pound limit. If there’s something that I’d like people to know about my project is that this is a long lasting project I’m looking to for native youth in our community.”

Lang’s organization is collaborating with outside organizations in hopes the program can be mirrored in other Native American communities, while showcasing why sustainability efforts are important.

For more information or those who’d like to give their CRV buybacks can email Amada Lang at amada.l@twofeathers-nafs.org.