Eureka City Schools continues to offer free meals for children despite move back to distance learning

EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM) — Even though Eureka City Schools made the decision to go back to distance learning, the district’s nutrition team continues to offer free meals for kids 18 years old and younger. Meals are already available for curbside pick-up at six sites: Alice Birney, Grant and Lafayette Elementary Schools, Zane Middle School, and Eureka High School.

Thanks to some help from the transportation department, ECS has brought back bus routes with school buses stopping at various locations around town for those that might not be able to make it to one of the six curbside pick-up sites. According to food service director Laura Chase, about 70% of the district receives free or reduced cost meals.

“There is a lot of food insecurity and with these kids not being at school where they were getting 3 meals a day. We’re just concerned what’s happening with these kids. So, we just want to make every effort we can to make sure that they’re not hungry,” Chase says.

A full list of bus route stops is included below. It can also be found on the Eureka City Schools Facebook page.

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