Staff at local schools to be part of phase 1B of Covid-19 vaccine distribution


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM) – Phase 1B of Covid-19 vaccine distribution is still a ways away, but it will encompass a much larger portion of the community. Including those with risk of exposure at work, like staff at local schools and other childcare settings.

When it comes to children, the Pfizer vaccine is approved for those 16 years old and older and the Moderna vaccine for those 18 and up. There’s no word on when students under the age of 16 can get vaccinated. According to the California Department of Public Health, clinical trials are ongoing to look at the safety in younger children.

“It’s not really a question for a local level and I have no information on that other than what’s in the media currently,” according to County Health Officer Dr. Ian Hoffman.

On top of vaccinating school staff, Public Health is working with education partners to offer regular testing for students, just another way to try and help get kids back on campus. It follows a plan released by Governor Gavin Newsom earlier this week.

“We’ve been reviewing that with our partners in education in the County, including well before that plan with many ideas of how we can get kids back in in classrooms. There will be support for testing we’re working with the local leaders around what kind of testing can be available and as always, our commitment is to try to get kids back in school as quickly and safely as possible,” Hoffman says.

People between the ages of 16 and 18 are included in phase 1C of vaccine distribution. The county’s full vaccination plan can be found online at