Eureka City Schools announces plan to get students back to school for in-person instruction


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM) — Eureka City Schools is returning to in-person learning for all grade levels as soon as February 22nd.

The decision was made in partnership with Humboldt County Public Health. The hope is that by that point, school staff will have received their 2nd doses of the Covid-19 vaccine. Despite the plan to return to the classroom, Superintendent Fred Van Vleck says parents will still have a choice.

“When I say fully reopen that means parents can choose whether they want distance learning or in person learning immediately following the full efficacy of the 2nd dose of the Covid vaccine,” Van Vleck says.

Some parents support the decision arguing that online classes just aren’t enough, and children are missing out on important social interactions. For parent Jeanette Arnot, she feels if other schools in the County can open safely Eureka City Schools should be able to as well.

“If they find some flow that works for them, I imagine we will too. I know that safety is a priority always. I feel good about it, I’m ready. My children are not getting the education they deserve to be receiving right now,” Arnot says.

Some parents want to continue distance learning, and say it’s unsafe for kids to return to campus as numbers continue to rise. For Travis Quinn, whose son is in 2nd grade, he has to keep his son’s mother in mind who is undergoing chemotherapy and has a higher risk of getting Covid-19.

“Exposing my son to that kind of risk, no matter what it is, and risking his mother’s health, it scares me,” Quinn says.

Eureka City Schools wants to stress that the February 22nd date is subject to change based on availability of vaccines. More information can be found at