Cooperation Humboldt kicks off their 2021 growing season


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)- Cooperation Humboldt is kicking off their 2021 growing season by offering to plant free community fruit trees throughout Humboldt County.

This is the third year that this organization has provided this to local residents and organizations.

The trees will be available for residents and community locations like churches and schools with the intention of sharing the fruits with the community.

“The projects that we operate under our food program are intended to meet people’s tangible and immediate needs while also strengthening community and starting to shift the conscientiousness around food from simply a commodity to actually something that everyone has some power to create and to share with others,” said Tamara McFarland, who coordinates Cooperation Humboldt’s food justice program.

If you are interested in requesting a tree or want more information…you can visit the Cooperation Humboldt website here.