Bisio talks coaching during COVID-19 pandemic


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM) – Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, coaches have been forced into uncharted territory as their athletes are unable to return to play.

Head Coach Ryan Bisio talked about leading the College of the Redwoods men’s basketball program in these unprecedented times. He said he promotes players to involve themselves in activities outside of basketball.

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“I have encouraged guys to take guitar lessons. I’ve encouraged guys to find other hobbies and find things that involve a process of improvement which is similar to the process in basketball,” Bisio said. “Use the things you learned in basketball and try to apply those things to something else.”

Bisio wants players to round themselves out as he treats being a college basketball player as a full-time job.

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“I think that healthy balance is going to benefit them on the court as opposed to 11 months everyday stressing out about things you can’t control,” Bisio said.

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The next step for Bisio is getting players back on the court and picking up where the team left off.