Eureka mayor talks red tier and local business in weekly address


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM)-Eureka Mayor Susan Seaman touched on some changes to business hours and services affected by the Covid-19 tier change, in her weekly address.  

Eureka City Hall is now open Monday through Thursday from 9 4 p.m. walk-in services include dog and business licenses, and water and sewer payments.

Those with questions for a specific department such as Public Works, the Building Department, City Administration, Engineering, or Development Services can call to make an appointment. 

 A list of department phone numbers can be found on the city’s website at, or call the city administration office at 441-4144 to be directed.

The Adorni Center is open for fitness activities but locker rooms and personal training are not available.

Their hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, reservations are encouraged due to limited space, those with questions Contact the Adorni Center at 441-4248.

The Sequoia Park Zoo remains open with modifications, including their after-school program “out-the-box” is also in session. 

Online conservation lectures and virtual fieldtrips for classrooms are offered, learn more at

“It’s definitely the wrong time to pack our good COVID-19 protocol in storage,” said Mayor Susan Seaman. “We are not done using them.”

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“We will have days in the future when the numbers of cases will start falling consistently.,” she said. “We’ll be able to go to a performance, or a party, or a ballgame.  Please be patient with yourself and kind to your neighbors and family. “

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For the Erueka City Mayor Susan Seaman’s full weekly address click here.