Inter-tribal effort to offer mass Moderna vaccine clinic Saturday; Open to all Klamath-Trinity residents 18 and older


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)-The Hoopa Valley Tribe, with assistance from the Yurok and Karuk tribes, will hold a mass vaccination clinic this Saturday at the Hoopa Fire House.

An inter-tribal effort, led by the Hoopa Valley Tribe, with support from both the Yurok and Karuk tribes to offer Moderna vaccines to their community is underway according to Incident Commander Gregory Moon with the Hoopa COVID-19 Management Team.  

“What we’re doing is, not only are we, through our local health organization, K’ima:w Medical Center doing shots every day, but this is for the general public 18 and above,” he said.  

Their goal, to inoculate all adult Klamath-Trinity residents by the end of April.

Moon says they have eleven hundred doses of Moderna vaccine-on hand for Saturday’s mass vaccination clinic in Hoopa.

“Now we are opening it up to the outside community,” he said.

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And is exclusively for the river community, spanning from Willow Creek to Burnt Ranch, officials say proof of residency will be required.

“So, we don’t get inundated with [residents] from the coastal community,” said Moon.

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Safety Officer Abe Camez with the Hoopa COVID-19 Management Team says ground crews will direct traffic.   

“This is going to be a first come first serve, we don’t want people to start getting in line until 9 a.m.,” he said.  

Camez says the clinic will held between 9 a.m. And 5 p.m., traffic personnel will be in place, anyone in line before the start time will be turned away, 40 ground support personnel are expected to assist on Saturday.

“Once they get this shot on the 27th, they are going to have to return 4 weeks later,” he said.  

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Recent CDC studies have shown, American Indian/Alaska natives are among the racial and ethnic minority groups at highest risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes, according to Hoopa officials.

 Dr. Emmett chase is the chief executive officer of K’ima:w Medical Center in Hoopa.

“For the community, it means a lot, for the culture of the community and the elders in particular it’s important to get them vaccinated and the people with risk conditions,” said.

Chase says the Moderna vaccine is not recommended for those between 16 and 18 years of age.

“We are looking for Pfizer vaccines so we can get them vaccinated,” he said.  

According to Chase, the Pfizer vaccine is the only one approved for that age group.

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