Community vaccine event planned Friday, one dose vaccines offered in Klamath


KLAMATH, Calif. (KIEM)-The Yurok Public Health Department is teaming up Friday With Indian United Health Services and The Del Norte Health Department for a vaccination event open to the entire Klamath community.  

The event will be held at the Yurok Tribe’s headquarters in Klamath between 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., appointments can be made by calling (707) 951-6679 or (707) 761-1152.

Two-hundred, Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be available to anyone 18 and older, the Moderna vaccine will be available upon request.

An event is also planned in Arcata, which is only open to tribal members, staff and spouses of family members.

This event will be held at the UIHS Potawot Health Village by appointment only to make one call the Yurok Public Health Department, directly.

“We’ve been using Moderna United Indian Health and the Yurok Tribe predominantly the whole time,” said Yurok Tribe’s Public Information Officer Hollie Strahm. “They have a smaller dose of Johnson & Johnson, they decided to target that in Klamath since it would be more community wide 18 and over, and it’s one time dosing, and so to get more people vaccinated with one event at the same time we thought we’d shoot for that.”

For more information click here.