Springtime ball gown stroll in downtown Arcata


ARCATA, Calif. (KIEM)- If you were in downtown Arcata on Saturday, April 10, you may have noticed some people strolling around in extravagant outfits.

Arcata Main Street asked the community to dust off their fanciest ball gown or tuxedo and take a stroll through downtown Arcata.

It has been a year since the pandemic started and the organization felt that this would give people an opportunity to dress up, enjoy a beautiful day and bring joy to the community in a safe way.

“We enjoy our sovereignty and out autonomy and a lot of us feel like that’s been stifled,” said Eden Love, Event Planner for Arcata Main Street. “A lot of us feel that our economic infrastructure has been stifled and this is giving us an opportunity to step into the artisan, the artist, the creative person, the magic that we really love.” 

This event will be held the second Saturday of each month.

For more information about this event, click here.