Health experts say breakthrough cases of Covid-19 are expected, only 10 reported locally


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM) — Humboldt County announced last week that 10 breakthrough cases of Covid-19 have been reported locally. A breakthrough case is when someone contracts the Covid-19 virus even after being fully vaccinated, testing positive more than 14 days after their last shot.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says vaccine breakthrough cases are expected considering none of the three vaccines on the market in the U.S. are 100% effective at preventing illness. Pfizer is 95% effective and Moderna is 94% effective. Less than 6,000 breakthrough cases have been reported nationwide out of more than 84 million people who are fully vaccinated.

“No vaccine is 100% effective, so we know that within statistical perimeters we’re going to have breakthrough cases. Because we’ve only seen 10 people within the County that we’ve documented having coronavirus after being fully vaccinated, that’s showing the great efficacy of the vaccines,” according to Dr. Skye Heston with Providence Medical Group in Humboldt County.

Dr. Heston adds that those that contract the virus after being vaccinated often don’t get as sick or suffer as severe of symptoms.