Congressman Huffman visits the Department of Health of Human Services


EUREKA, Cali. (KIEM)- Congressman Huffman stopped at the Department of Health and Human Services today to thank the nurses and health care workers for the hard work they have endured through covid.

Huffman took a chance to share that he will do whatever it takes to get Humboldt County vaccination rate as great as Marin county, which has reached a 90% rate of adults vaccinated.

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“We are not going to hit the big numbers every day and week that we were hitting before, but that next increment of progress is better critical in getting ahead of this delta variant,” said Congressman Huffman.

He understands that we have a different county demographic than others, referring to the local tribal reservations not trusting the federal government, and knows that’s a challenge we need to overcome. 

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 â€œThe other thing is we are going to be continuing with vaccination, so we have our mobile vaccination going to all the nooks and crowns, making sure we are meeting people where they are. We were just at a crabs game on Friday, and we had a great turnout. We are going to keep showing up and providing an opportunity for people to get vaccinated. That’s the best to protect ourselves and our community,” said Sofia Pereira.

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DHHS wants to encourage everyone to visit to find their local vaccination clinic.