True North Law Supports Landowners Among Abandoned North Coast Rail Authority


FORTUNA, Calif. (KIEM)- The North Coast Rail Authority Railway, 145 mile long abandoned railroad, is being converted to a public trail between Eureka, Arcata and Willits.  Landowners by the railroad have real concerns with their privacy and compensation. 

The Federal Trails Act founded in 1983, is a program that take land from landowners with their consent to create recreational trails and parks. True North Law Group invites the property owners along the abandoned railroad to join their virtual meeting tomorrow at noon to discuss how they will receive their fair share. 

“The end result that we want to achieve is to have the court issue in order. That gives these owners fair compensation for the land that’s been taken,” said Thor Hearne, founding partner of True North Law.

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There’s over 1200 properties along the railroad which goes through Humboldt, Trinity, and Mendocino county. Each owner will be affected differently.

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“Some property owners I spoke to have unique issues. The issues are privacy, fencing, because the public now being able to use this trail, much more public access to their property,” said Hearne. 

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Hearne said tomorrow’s meeting will involve giving information to the people affected on how they can file a claim for compensation.