Humboldt County Fair Opened its Doors Yesterday with Full Mask Mandate and Health Guidelines


FERNDALE, Calif. (KIEM)- The Humboldt County Fair opened its doors yesterday for the 2021 season after skipping last year because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Guy Fieri and the fair board members announced it is safer for the community and Fieri to move his event at the fair to another year. Although the fair wants a large turn out, Fieri’s presence will bring in many community members which will make it harder for the staff to monitor safety and health guidelines.

“We decided we’re going to wait until next year at least. His events included food tasting and taking pictures with Guy. That is not proper this year, and I want the community to know we want to keep everyone safe, regardless if that brings more people in,” said Katherine Ziemer, board member at Humboldt County Fair. 

Despite the cancellation of a large event at the fair, people from all over Northern California are still coming. One of the most popular events, the livestock auction, has many participants. The auction includes lambs, sheep, cows, and pigs. It is still scheduled to go through. 

“There are great protocols here. We’re required to wear masks and the fair is also requiring everyone to keep their animals clean which makes me comfortable having my children here with our animals and around other families.,” said Alyson Sobehrad, contestant at Livestock Auction at Hu,boldt County Fair.

The Humboldt County Fair had a large turn out on opening day. The board admitted they are not expecting record breaking attendance in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic however the numbers are exceeding their expectations.