Local organization holds memorial for people killed by drivers


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM)- The Coalition for Responsible Transportation Properties, or CRTP, says that in the last decade at least 80 people in Humboldt County have been killed by drivers while walking, biking, skateboarding or rolling in a wheelchair.

The organization felt that these lives have been minimized or ignored. So, the group decided to hold a memorial for people who have been killed by a car.

“We just really wanted to have a public space for grieving those lives that have been lost and acknowledging that they’re people and that they deserve our respect and our grief,” said the Executive Director of CRTP Colin Fiske.

The event was led by Rev. Molly Cate, a spiritual leader for the Unity of the Redwoods church in Eureka.

During the event, the names of those killed were read aloud and friends and families got a chance to speak about their lost loved ones.

The group also spent some time talking about things that can be done to prevent future tragedies.

“So, we started a petition just today to call on Caltrans to make near-term safety improvements not to wait for another 10 years, but to do it now for people who are walking and biking and rolling on Broadway,” said Fiske.     

After the memorial, a silent walk was held around the courthouse to pay respects to those that have died and to bring awareness to this issue.

“Community members can engage their representatives at councils, supervisor levels etc. and tell them that they want these improvements and really organize as neighborhoods and communities to demand these changes,” said 5th District Supervisor Steve Madrone. “It’s long overdue.”