Local Businesses Continue to Operate in Willow Creek


WILLOW CREEK, Calif. (KIEM)- While several businesses in Willow Creek have shut down momentarily, many local businesses are continuing to operate at regular hours with covid protocols in place.

“Willow Creek is so small, it seems like a lot of the businesses are trying to stay open to support the local community that still live here. With the containment lines, we all feel better in Willow Creek,” Shandi Otto, Co-owner of Osprey Cafe.

Buddy’s Auto Center is a 24/7 towing company with offices in Willow Creek, Arcata, and Weaverville. They do not plan on closing their services in Willow Creek despite the presence of the Knob Fire.

 If they feel threatened, they plan to evacuate to their office in Arcata and the truck drivers will stay in the Willow Creek area. 

“A few days ago, we were upgraded to evacuation warning. We have a warning on one side of the street and there’s an order on the other side of the street. So it’s been a little bit trying, trying to get our office together to evacuate if we have to,” said Julie Stewart, Owner of Buddy’s Auto Center.

Many business owners say they feel safe right now. They stated they will evacuate if conditions do get worse. However they trust the progress the fire fighters have made and do feel comfortable in their homes and at work.