Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Humboldt


HUMBOLDT, Calif. (KIEM)- Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, domestic violence has skyrocketed all over the country. Experts call pandemics and global shutdowns a perfect storm for this crime. 

Humboldt Domestic Violence Services have experienced a large increase in domestic violence cases. They offer services like counseling, long-term housing, a 24-hour hotline, and now advocates can join their clients in courtrooms for emotional support.

“It is an underreported and an underrepresented crime in our nation. In Humboldt County, domestic violence is a growing issue especially now. Since it’s a rural area, we do have our own separate concerns as a rural area,” said Amber Campbell, Fiscal and HR Director at Humboldt Domestic Violence Services. 

They work with several shelters and organizations all over the county including the Salvation Army. They are working to offer additional services like insurance if survivors go to clinics for medical and mental treatment.

“It’s important to get the word out about it. We’ll have information on our websites. If you are in a domestic violence situation, come to us. We will help you or refer you to the resources you need,” Stephanie Wonnacott, Business Administrator at the Salvation Army.

If you or someone you know is suffering abuse from a spouse or a family member at home, call the Humboldt Domestic Violence Service 24-hour hotline or go to their website at