Humboldt County Residents Urged to find Alternatives Amidst National Supply Shortage


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)- The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a severe supply chain shortage including food, medical equipment, merchandise, and so on. It is now being called the “everything shortage.” To make matters worse, demand has skyrocketed.

Many local stores in Humboldt County are accommodating for the shortages by finding alternatives that can be found within the state of California.

“We put in orders to get our merchandize. Before it would take two weeks, now it takes up to two months. Our customers need to know there may be some difficulties in getting toys this season,” said Camille Borrowdale, manager at Rocking Horse.

Many residents believe since it’s been a nontraditional year, they expect to do their holiday shopping differently. They are transitioning into buying less materialistic gifts and more experience related gifts. 

“I have three sisters so I’m going to buy them gift certificates for massages and amusement parks. Everyone needs to move to buying these types of gifts because everything else is basically off the shelves,” said James Watje, Forestry Technician at Mad River Hotshots. 

Experts are urging business owners and consumers to find alternatives this holiday season. Officials have not declared when the national supply shortage will end.