Virtual Benefit Ball Raises over $638,000 for new ICU at Redwood Memorial


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)- The Virtual Benefit Ball Fundraiser raised over $638,000 this past Saturday night. All proceeds will go towards building a new ICU at Redwood Memorial Hospital in Fortuna.This Intensive Care Unit will include four spacious technology-updated rooms, two of which are negative pressure isolated rooms to treat patients with Covid-19. This fundraiser was also noted as the most successful fundraiser for Providence Redwood Memorial and St. Joseph’s Hospital. 

The new Intensive Care Unit will be named in honor of the Murphy Family who donated $1 million to the fundraiser and has supported Redwood Memorial since its opening in 1957. There were several donors and sponsors like the Humboldt Redwood Company who pledged $50,000 and an anonymous pledge of $100,000.

“Redwood Memorial Hospital is the heartbeat of the Eel River Valley community. They have supported the hospital since 1957 and that support just continued to grow over the years. I am so grateful for the opportunity to help bring a new, up-to-date ICU for this community,” said Paul McGinty, Chief Philanthropy Officer.”