High-value French Bulldog Puppies Stolen from a Fortuna Home


FORTUNA, Calif, (KIEM)- An unknown suspect broke into a Fortuna home early Wednesday morning. A resident in the home said she heard noises coming from downstairs and a loud whelp from her litter of French Bulldog puppies. When she made it downstairs, nothing from her home was missing other than her entire littler.

“My window was wide open right above where the puppies were sleeping. I ran around the outside of my home and found one of the puppies. It looked like they dropped him accidentally and ran through the back-side of my home,” said Jodie Niewinski, Fortuna resident.

Jodi Niewinski says she is concerned about the context of this crime because nobody outside her family knew about her newborn puppies that never left the home. 

“I’ve been living in this house for six years and I’ve never had a problem. It’s a nice, safe  neighborhood. I live not far from town and its fairly quiet around here,” said Niewinski. 

She said the only mistake that made this crime possible was leaving one window unlocked. She urges the community to take extra steps like locking your windows, fence gates and doors to ensure your loved ones and possessions are safe inside.